Pain Junkies

Where Slave Girls Come To Cry

BDSM Stories – The Abduction – Chapter 12

Written By: Editor - Apr• 03•08

   “Stop.” I said. “Linda, you aren’t doing that hard enough. Assume your
position in front of me.”  When she did, I gave her two hard lashes but not on
the ass. One on each breast! The birch left a long thin welt on the sides of
each breast. Each stroke brought a yelp and tears to her eyes. Then I told her
to continue with Cathy. This time, she whipped her with a will. It took her 30
strokes to reach Cathy’s ass. Another 30 to reach her shoulders. By now, the
strokes were less hard, not because she was being gentle, but her arm was
wearing out. Cathy had started to howl about the 10th stroke. By the 30th, she
was screaming. By then time Linda finished, Cathy was limp and only moaning in
pain. I had Linda release Cathy, and turn her on her back.

     Once there, I directed Linda to lick Cathy’s pussy and to suck on her
clit! It seemed to take only a few seconds before cathy began to respond! At
first a low moan, then more and louder. Cathy’s hands came around and held
Linda head and mouth against her pussy. Cathy started to thrust her hips into
Linda face. I could see that she was close to cumming. Even Linda was moaning a

    I yelled at them to quit! They were so involved that I had to lash linda a
couple of times to make her stop. Once she did I gave them new instructions.
This time Linda was to be tied to the bed, and Cathy was to whip her! But!
Linda was to be tied face up!

    Linda did not want it! in fact, she begged not to. But I moved over, and
held her wrists while Cathy fastened them to the headboard. Then came the
ankles. With her tied like this, Linda pussy was raised high and I could see it
glisten. I gave the birch to Cathy and told her to start at Lindas thighs and
continue to her breasts! Cathy was still aroused, but she remembered how Linda
had whipped her. She started with powerful strokes and continued on. Linda on
yelped a bit when it was her legs being hit, but when the birch struck hard on
her exposed pussy, a loud scream rent the room. I could see that Cathy was
getting hotter and hotter from whipping the helpless Linda. She gave Linda
another 6 or 8 strokes right on the pussy before moving on.

    Each time Linda screamed more, and tried to avoid the next stroke. But the
cuffs held her. 10 more strokes brought Cathy to linda’s nipples. The first
stroke on her nipples and Linda screamed and bounced so hard I thought the
cuffs would break. I was surprised to see that the nipples were even harder!
Two more strokes and linda started to thrust her hips as high as she could.

    When I told cathy to stop and to lick Linda, she practically jumped onto
the bed and shoved her face in Linda cunt! As soon as Linda felt the tongue on
her clit, she started to thrash around and moan. Her moans were loud and seemed
to go on forever. Cathy meanwhile had slipped a finger into her own pussy and
was licking Linda and fingering herself at the same time. I gave her a hard
lash on the ass and told her to stop. She put her hand back up to linda cunt,
but tried to rub her own pussy against the bed.

    Climbing onto the bed between Cathy’s legs, I nudged the head of my cock
against Cathy’s asshole. I pushed until the head slipped inside her and then
waited. Then without warning, I thrust forward deep into her hot ass! As I
slammed into her asshole, Cathy let out a muffled shriek! I continued to plow
into her ass and she was pushing back at me! Every time I stroked into her, she
bucked back, When I slammed deep into her, the force of the thrust would push
her face up against linda muff!

    The first to cum was linda. Her hips were bouncing around and her screams
were of pure pleasure! Then I started to spurt my hot cum into Cathy’s ass. The
first spurt seemed to set Cathy off! she screamed into the pussy in her face,
and this set off Linda again. Spurt after spurt I sent into her hot ass, until
finally I was empty! When I pulled out of Cathy ass, her asshole stayed open
for a bit. I released Lindas cuffs and her clean up Cathy with her tongue. At
the same time, I had cathy clean up my cock with her mouth. Soon we were clean
and well worn out. And here it was only 2  in the afternoon.  What a day!

    By 6 that night, I was ready to go again. Both the girls were sore from
earlier, so instead of more whipping, I gave them a chance. I had Linda kneel
in front of me, and begging sucking on my cock. Cathy was between lindas legs
licking her pussy. The chance was this I told them. If linda could suck me off
before cathy made her cum, I would whip Cathy. But if Linda came first, I would
whip Linda.

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